Traumatic brain injuries in active military servicemen and servicewomen may co-occur with post-traumatic stress disorder and require early and comprehensive treatment. Find out more.
What Is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) is an evidence-based approach to addressing multiple cognitive impairments caused by a traumatic brain injury. Restorative CRT strengthens cognitive abilities, and compensatory CRT provides strategies to reduce the impact of deficits.
TBI in Active Military and Veterans
Military blast injuries can impact the brain, the lungs, the heart, and other organs in the body. Early diagnosis is very important. Dr. Sandel discusses brain injuries in the military with physiatrist Dr. Hetal Lakhani and her patient, Richard Reeves.
Veterans Can Face Both a Brain Injury and PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder can co-occur with a brain injury in military and civilian populations. Screening tests for PTSD should be used for any patient with a brain injury or suspected concussion. Symptoms for these two conditions can overlap, but all symptoms require management regardless of cause.
Cognitive Deficits In Veterans After Brain Injury
Cognitive deficits experienced by military personnel and others can be successfully treated with cognitive therapies.
The Emotional Consequences of Brain Injuries in Military Personnel
Military servicemen and servicewomen need early neurologic and psychiatric evaluations and comprehensive treatment after a traumatic brain injury.
A Veteran Talks About his Brain Injuries and Care at the VA
A veteran talks about his experiences with several concussions, and his successful treatment with cognitive and group therapies at the Veterans Administration program in Martinez, California.
Military Blast Injuries Can Injure More than the Brain
Military blast injuries can impact the brain, the lungs, the heart, and other organs in the body. Early diagnosis is very important.
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