Dr. Sandel: 2025 Plans

Here’s an update on Dr. Sandel's professional plans for 2025.
Book in Progress
I’m working on a book on the history of physiatry (physical medicine and rehabilitation), my medical specialty, and I will share information and stories in short blogs throughout the year.
Human Behavior and the Natural World
While continuing to write about the brain, I’ll take a different tack because of my own desire to learn more about how we humans “tick.” I am increasingly worried that our species is destroying the natural world, its many other species, and ourselves in the process. I spent my career learning about the human brain and plan to share what I continue to learn by taking on this new challenge.
Concussion Alliance
As Chair the Board of Concussion Alliance, I’m proud of what the staff and interns have provided in terms of educational resources and updates. If you want to follow the concussion news, sign up for the Concussion Alliance newsletter here: concussionalliance.org/newsletter
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Concussion Alliance Co-Founders Interviewed for Slate Article
More and more journalists are writing about concussion, in many cases because they have had a concussion themselves or have friends or relatives who have experienced one. In March, 2024, Isobel Whitcomb interviewed Concussion Alliance co-founders Conor Gormally and Malayka Gormally for an article in Slate. It is concerning that bad medical advice (“just rest”) is still being given to concussion patients as is clear in Whitcomb’s story.
A Brief History of PM&R
In this podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Sandel gives a brief history of the medical specialty of PM&R. She outlines the major US and world events that helped to lay the foundation for physical and rehabilitation medicine. She emphasizes the role of early leaders such as Frank Krusen, Howard Rusk and others who helped to establish the field within organized medicine.
AMA Hub offers Concussion CME
The AMA Ed Hub has posted the CME program produced by Dr. Sandel and Concussion Alliance.
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