Comprehensive Care of Concussions
Dr. Richard Delmonico, a neuropsychologist, outlines the approaches to triage and treatment in a concussion clinic in the Northern California Kaiser Permanente health system. He also discusses the uses of neuropsychological testing to help with diagnosis and management of people with concussions and other brain injuries.
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After a concussion, people need good sleep patterns, and they also need to resume activity and exercise to aid recovery. Activities with concussion risk should be avoided, however.
Getting Top-Notch Care after a Concussion
Concussion clinics vary in terms of protocols and personnel. Neuropsychologist Richard Delmonico discusses one model in the Kaiser Permanente health system.
What is ImPACT for Concussion and Who is It For?
The Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (ImPACT), an FDA-approved computerized tool for evaluating people with a suspected concussion, is not a stand-alone diagnostic tool. A comprehensive evaluation that includes additional cognitive testing, a physical examination, and a care plan are necessary.
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