
Special Populations

Learn why certain ages and occupations are at higher risk of traumatic brain injuries and what can be done about it.

teen boy and concerned mom at window

Is There a Connection Between Mild TBI and Mental Health Disorders in Adults and Children?

In a recent study, researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that risks for affective and behavioral disorders were significantly higher in the years post-injury for children and adolescents with a history of mTBI—especially for 10- to 13-year-olds. They emphasize the importance of regular interval screening for affective and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents who sustain a mild TBI. This post includes a slide presentation and Q & A with two of the researchers, Richard Delmonico, PhD, and Brian Theodore, PhD.

3 boys-after-football-game

Why I Am Not Surprised About the Latest CTE Research

Millions of children play contact and collision sports in the US, with high risks for head impacts. Repetitive hits can result in concussions or subconcussions without immediate evidence of neurologic injury. CTE is a brain disorder caused by repetitive hits to the brain from sports such as football and soccer. The latest study from Dr. Ann McKee’s brain lab at Boston University links CTE to child athletes who died before the age of 30.

Two soccer players competing for ball

The 6th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport–What’s New?

The Statement summarizes scientific research and provides some updated recommendations for athletes at risk for concussions.  But, it’s been mired in controversy regarding the strict criteria governing which research was included. Read Dr. Sandel’s insights into the process and conclusions.

Abstract brain wave concept

What Is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) is an evidence-based approach to addressing multiple cognitive impairments caused by a traumatic brain injury. Restorative CRT strengthens cognitive abilities, and compensatory CRT provides strategies to reduce the impact of deficits.

filming stunt jump

Concussion in Stunt Performers and other Film & Theater Workers

New research by Professor Jeffrey Russell of Ohio University provides evidence that concussion is a serious occupational health risk in stunt performers. They—and likely other film/theater workers—could benefit from concussion management, risk reduction, and education.

Athlete discussing with Doctor

Updating the International Sports Guidelines for Concussion

The 6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport meets in Oct 2022 to face again the task of revising their sports concussion guidelines. The conference comes in the midst of controversies regarding Paul McCrory, the group’s former chair, and just after a long-awaited statement of causation for CTE from the NIH.

Close up of child with bandage over head wound

Top Causes of Concussion in Children and Adolescents

When we think of “youth” and “concussion,” the first thing that likely comes to mind is a teenager engaging in a high-risk activity such as football, soccer, or snowboarding. But not all youth brain injury results from these risky activities. Of the millions of concussions reported by emergency rooms every year, figures put concussions related to sports and recreation at just 30% – so 70% of concussions result from other causes.

older woman with doctor

Traumatic Brain Injury and the Elderly

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability among seniors. The cause is often a fall or a motor vehicle accident, but head trauma due to elder abuse or neglect must always be considered, too. Older adults usually have other health conditions and sometimes dementia, so a diagnosis of a TBI can be challenging. The brains of elderly people are also more vulnerable to injury, and many older adults are on anticoagulant medications that put them at risk of brain bleeds. If elder abuse or neglect is suspected, mandatory reporting laws must be followed by certain professionals and even ordinary citizens in some states of the United States.

Mother and smiling daughter in doctor's office

Will My Child Experience Long-Term Consequences from a Concussion or other Brain Injury?

Although most children recover fully after a single concussion, others have long-term effects. Of course, prevention is the best strategy, but if a concussion occurs, parents must understand a brain injury has occurred.

X-ray of child and headache

How Long Will It Take for My Child to Recover from a Concussion?

Children can experience a range of symptoms after concussion. They require individualized treatments and strategies for returning to activities and to school. A physician with training and experience in treating concussions must provide early interventions and follow-up, regardless of how long recovery takes.

Child sitting in the corner of a room

Abuse: A Leading Cause of Brain Injury in Children

Child abuse is a top cause of brain injury-related emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths among children of all ages. Diagnosis can be challenging in cases of pediatric abusive head trauma. Prevention strategies at the individual and community level can be effective and there are many available resources.

Woman helps elderly woman who fell

Falls and Brain Injury in Older Adults

Traumatic brain injuries are very common in older adults who fall. They can result in hospitalization, death, or disability especially in this age group and those on certain medications. In this post, an elderly woman has a delayed hematoma from an injury that could have been deadly. Falls can be prevented and Dr. Sandel shares important information about risk factors and tips for prevention.

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