What neuropsychological testing and procedures are used to diagnose concussions and other brain injuries?
Three Alternative Treatment Modalities to Ease Brain Injury Associated Symptoms
Conventional treatments like medications may not help symptoms after a brain injury. Complementary or alternative treatments may help.
Check the Neck after a Brain Injury
Whiplash and cervical strain occurs when a person’s head and neck are forced back and forth, injuring soft tissues of the neck. They are common after brain injuries.
Evaluating and Treating Headaches After Brain Injury
Headaches are extremely common after a traumatic brain injury, but there are various treatments that vary depending on the phenotype or cause.
Post-Traumatic Headaches: Not Just One Type or Treatment
Headaches must be evaluated with a comprehensive history and physical examination. There are many options for treatment, but diagnosis has to be the first step.
Brain Imaging after an Injury
CT and MRI scans are the most common imaging modalities to evaluate people with traumatic brain injury, but advanced imaging methods are more promising for diagnosis and prognosis. However, interpretations of findings can vary.
The Medical Specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
A physiatrist (physical medicine and rehabilitation physician) treats disorders of the muscles, bones, and nervous system, and may practice in inpatient or outpatient settings. Physiatrists usually provide care with other rehabilitation providers such as physical, occupational, and speech therapists, and may work in teams for patients with catastrophic injuries or complex disorders, especially in rehabilitation hospitals.
The Eyes are Key to Concussion Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Jacqueline Theis is a neuro-optometrist who specializes in the evaluation and management of athletes and other people who have experienced one or more concussions. She also speaks from her own experience of having had concussions playing soccer, and having difficulty finding experts.
Workers with Concussions
Dr. Maureen Miner is a physiatrist and an expert in brain injury medicine. She discusses her approach to patients with concussion and more severe brain injuries who need specialty care and referral to other specialists for evaluation and treatment.
Discussion with Dr. Ernie Bryant
Dr. Ernie Bryant is a neuropsychologist with decades of experience treating people with brain injuries of all severities, including concussion. What is a neuropsychological evaluation? Dr. Bryant presents a case of a worker whose neuropsychological examination was complex as is often the case with brain injuries, especially concussions.
Dr. Elizabeth Sandel: Former AAPM&R Executive Discusses Critical Elements of the Field
In part one, Dr. Sandel talks about physical medicine and rehabilitation and it’s broad scope. In part two, she discusses her mission to educate the public about brain injuries, including concussion. In part three, she discusses what happens to the brain with concussions and repeated concussions. She ends with a case of a patient with a complex diagnosis after a traumatic event that required the diagnosis in order for the best treatment approaches.
Comprehensive Care of Concussions
Dr. Richard Delmonico, a neuropsychologist, outlines the approaches to triage and treatment in a concussion clinic in the Northern California Kaiser Permanente health system. He also discusses the uses of neuropsychological testing to help with diagnosis and management of people with concussions and other brain injuries.
What Effect Does Concussion Have on Learning?
Stories of athletes like Brittany who experience concussions or more severe brain injuries can help to educate others. She did get back on track.
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